Hebrews Study
Started April 28, 2019

Our peace of mind and thankfulness are perpetuated by the expectations and confidence we place in the Lord Jesus Christ.  As Christians, we have been brought into a position of undeserved privilege with Him.  It compels us with strength to face the unthinkable, to embrace the unimaginable, and to expect His unquestionable love in every circumstance

God is still speaking through His Son Jesus Christ with the voice of expectation, encouragement, and examination.  May we not fall into the Dubious D’s: drifting, doubting, becoming dull, deliberating, or defying His Word.  

The Book of Hebrews challenges Jews past, present, and future, as well as the church to “pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.” (2:1)

Join us in this adventure with confident expectations of God‘s goodness, guidance, and grace!